We are in the middle of the Holiday season! There will be parties, celebrations, shopping trips, lots of cooking, opportunity to help others in need. The average person gains 8 – 10 pounds during this time of year!! Go against the curve, and choose health this holiday season. Choose to NOT have an extra 8 – 10 pounds to lose once January 1 comes around. You can do this with a simple plan, by recognizing that yes, there will be some fun celebrations to enjoy, and there are also a lot of days to support and work on your health goals. Choose to be intentional about your health at those times. I can help you understand why your health is important to you, which can make all the difference!! Give me a call!!
This is also a time when life gets super busy, and even can be hectic. You are adding a lot to your already busy schedule. In addition to your health, choose to be intentional about your important relationships. Schedule time with those people, and make sure you have the connections you and they need during this season. They can be your support system ~ for health ~ mental, physical, financial. You and your health are worth it!! Be ready to thrive in 2018